Today at 10 I had been flipping through channels to get some interesting content. Yeah! It was off course after my Dad left for office. I don't prefer to watch TV when he is at home. And that is solely because I don't love getting scolded.
Well! I just stumbled across Discovery Channel and just by chance one of my favorite programs were on. I continued there, but how long could that last? The documentary got over in 30 minutes. The next program was 'Download: The True Story of Internet', it is also one of my favorites. But that was a repeat telecast and I had seen it already. So, once again I started flipping through.
This time I stopped at HBO. The channel was showing something which looked more like a documentary than a movie, for which the channel is known.
At first, I thought that this is some award ceremony or some advertisement. I stayed tuned, then I realized that it was very famous documentary 'An Inconvenient Truth'.
This movie or documentary was made by Al Gore to catch the world's attention about the detoriating conditions of our environment. He had collected fact and figures over years to make this movie. He has presented everything this so neatly that there isn't any chance for a doubt arising in our minds.
He has freely pulled up the topic of Global Warming, Population Explosion and the role of politics in helping us protect our environment. He has presented some stunning truths about how some governments prosecuted some of the scientist who came forward to oppose the blind and unplanned industrial development. He has presented some video footages about how the ice is melting in the polar regions. The computer generated graphics of how the lowlands would get submerged are really frightening. He clearly points out that how we all are responsible for it. There are some finding about the things, which most of us consider crap.

The question is clear, are we going to give our coming generations a better place to live, or are we just digging our grave. This movie will give any ignorant person a view of what is happening due to acts for our convenience.
The message is also clear, get serious about this otherwise get ready to face the nature's fury. I would recommend all to watch this movie. Also, in order to spread a general awareness you should insist others to watch it. The web link for the official site is www.climatecrisis.net Become a part of this revolution to see a better tomorrow, and to earn a better tomorrow for our future generations.
Good brief and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you for your information.