Just imagine you go Paris on a tour. You have just your camera phone to hunt around clicking pictures. You don’t want to risk your memories to some bad quality video from a camera phone.
You return home and one of your friends asks you to show the pictures. He is impressed by the snaps and wishes if he/she could see that place in reality, if not at least a video of the place. Then you feel guilty about your decision to have only snaps.
Well! Those days are gone where you would have to face such a problem. Our old grandpa Microsoft has unveiled Photosynth. You might feel weird about the name but this is very interesting.
Microsoft’s livelabs has unveiled software named Photosynth. It pools together photos into synths that generates 3D panorama of the shot subject. On August 20 it was released to common public.
In simple words; it is a software which converts your two dimensional photographs in three dimensional objects. From the above mentioned situation, you can use this software to make your photographs in a 3D structure to let your friends feel the real thing. This software works by identifying common elements in a bunch of snaps, and creating a virtual 3D view of the subject, and placing the photos in the appropriate positions depending on the angle at which the subject was photographed. This means that more the number of photographs, the more clear and accurate would be the 3D representation.
In order to use this service it is necessary to download an installation file from the website (www.photosynth.com). The installation has two components, a browser for viewing synths and software for creating the synths.
This service is currently free and there is an upload limit of 20GB. Alas! This thing is still in its infancy and you would not get anything more than a very grainy 3D structure for your photographs. Well! This is a good thing to play around. So just ask your friend to take around a thousand snaps of yours, through different angles. And get ready to see a grainy yourself of you in a zoom able and movable 3D. Enjoy!
Hellooo! Don't get afraid! This Lungi clad person is none other than me. I was a bit thoughtful before posting this image. There was a single question in my mind,'what if my friends see this?' And now that fear has also gone. I have come on the path of Do or Die. Well! Today is a grate day. It is very pleasent today. No heat, no sweat and no hot blood. Afterall I am Happy today. Also it is not a guarantee for tomorrow. And that's all what is called Life! Have a good Day!
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