Yester night my Dad returned at around 9 pm from his office. As usual the day was hectic and tiring, especially for my Dad. He told me that, to add some spice to the situation his bike gave up around 2 km away from home. He had to come home dragging it all the way.
That was the yester night part of the story. To have a good end for this annoying story, we started early morning.
At around 8 we made our first move. We suspected that the fuel flow was getting obstructed. For the diagnosis we tried opening the ‘T’. It is the switch which is connected to the fuel tank and controls its flow. After a lot of trails and contacting Uncle Google, we gave up and called up a mechanic. We simply asked him what to do next as we couldn’t take that bloody thing dragging all the way long. My Dad was on line and he was told what to do next.
I thought of trying something but we didn’t have appropriate tools. After all, my Dad decided to detach the fuel tank of the bike. Have you ever done that? It is like making your bike stark naked. A detached tank made it easy for us to try our hands on the poor ‘T’. We tried a lot but came up with almost nothing. Yeah! That’s another point that we didn’t have right tools. Then I started to my neighbors, one by one, asking if they have any of the compatible tools. My search didn’t go futile and one of our neighbors, being extremely kind gave me whatever he had. The thing was useful for us. After a good two hours of struggle we managed to open the ‘T’ and took out its dirty contents. It seemed as if every part ahs been smeared in a light red paint. I don’t know what was that, probably rust or some other metallic oxide.
Now comes the toughest part. After a lot of planning we decided to wash the tank with simple water. Also we couldn’t risk the tank, washing it with the same dirty petrol we had taken out from it. Well! We started after all. There comes the biggest problem. You know that it wouldn’t be nice for an engine to have even a single drop of water. After washing the tank we came to know that we are not able to get the remaining water out of it. They have such designs for a fuel tank that you can’t do anything with that directly, at least when you are at home.
Praying for the goodwill we kept on washing. Also we spent a got amount of our energy shaking the water out. When we couldn’t go any further, we transferred the rest of the work to our Most Mighty, the Sun.
The work is going on till now and I am praying for the good will of the bike. What do you say? Isn’t it the worst bike?
The work is in progress. Inconvenience is regretted.
कार्य प्रगति में है। असुविधा के लिए खेद है।
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